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Want to "Go Green"?

green businesses are not a fad or a fashion...

but one of the most important trends of the 21st century

The green economy is a bright point of the economy
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Don't Wait...

...The world has changed around you!
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GGID Solutions
You'll guess the differance
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Get Trained..

Get Certified..

Get Recognized!

Save Environment

Maximize Your Profit

...and much more!

 Training  & Accredetation

Our training programs designed specially for those who aspire to be a Green Consultant and for Ecopreneurs who would like to know about Green Business and start their own.

 Coaching & Consultation

Our consultants will take care of your business in order to apply appropriate solutions to save the environment and reduce operating expenses after careful analysis and study.

Transformation & Profit

After training, coaching phases and implement proposed solutions by our consultants you will be a “Certified Green Business”, blessed a cost reduction and achieve new profits.

The Right Professionals for Your Projects

Contact us to receive the full program brochure with major consultancy and training services details and to know the nearest partner to your area/region..

Latest News/Events

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Part of "US Department of  Energy" 101 series, this video shows how solar panels converts the energy of the sun…

Business Quotes

To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.

Paul Hewson, MegaBand

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.

Albert Einstein, ChupaChups